
Festival Attire for the weekend

This is definintely not another one of those repetitive 'festival chic' posts. This is me literally just showing you what I'm planning on wearing this weekend to my first festival of the year, Hop Farm. I'm super excited to see the likes of Morissey (my fave), Lou Reed and Prince amongst others; hurry up Saturday.1. The picture above is me at the fabulous Aussie event yesterday. It was so much fun; there was catwalk hair styling, photoshoots, champagne tasting and a candy floss machine that we got to do ourselves, mine was a bit of a disaster but tasted good anyway. I'll do a whole post on it in the week. 2. I've started back on placement this week, this time on a Stroke Unit. Dear god it is hard, heavy work. I'd only been there an hour and I already felt like I'd been on a treadmill all day! Hopefully my blog won't suffer oasap coat, but if I choose an afternoon nap over an OOTD post sometimes, I hope you won't hold it against me! 3. I am extremely excited to announce the winners of my giveaway! They were selected by random.org and have all now been contacted...Congratulations girls!1. Rich and I have been doing some serious DIYing today! Thanks to some awesome thrift-hunting this week, we've been painting an antique dressing table for my dressing room (which is beauuutiful now, I must say) and hanging lots of pictures around the house. Photos to come in this weeks 'My week in thrifts' post. 2. Work has exhausted me this week! It is reinforcing the idea of wanting to work for myself, in my romantic ideal of owning a vintage shop whilst freelancing. Maybe it won't always be a dream, I just have to get through the next year and a half to finish this course before I can make it happen. 3. I've been having more guitar lessons from Rich today! I love it. Okay, so I'm really not very good, but it's nice having a bit of a hobby. The perk of being engaged to a guitar teacher is that I can bug him to help me every waking moment. 4. I really need a pretty summer dress for Saturday (Aussie's lusciously light summer soiree), but I only have about an hour free this entire week on wednesday afternoon in which to get one. So please, has anybody seen any nice ones on their travels?

