
Sharing is Caring ♥

Sorry Guys and Dolls - I've had a super busy weekend working until late night both days - booo! Which means, though I have lots to share with you I haven't managed to edit my photo's and put a post together yet - booo :( So I thought I'd make do with this rather brief post sharing my two finds for the weekend coat jackets... Firstly introducing Galibardy - the most awesome jewelery shop ever (especially if you're as obsessed as me with animal jewelery) - it actually turns out I have a couple of items from them already but just didn't realise it! doh! There used to be a little stall in Brick Lane stocking all these gorgeous items- though I haven't seen them there for a while. I think they have the most unique and totally stunning jewelery which is bound to make any outfit pop. All their jewelery is so beautifully crafted and most of the rings are adjustable so you'll definitely find something to fit! And for my second find? As mentioned in my last post, I did manage to pop along to my friends Birthday on Saturday evening - though I didn't make it in time for the meal, I managed to have a little taster of their tapas, and a rather delicious Mojito. It was a cute little bar/restaurant in Clerkenwell called The Giant Robot - it has a really cosy yet vibrant atmosphere and a delicious food menu (from what I tried anyway) jean vests. Stupidly, though I carry 2 camera's with me at all times I didn't take any pictures - I got far to swept up in conversation. I would recommend a visit if your ever in the area and fancy a totally scrumptious cocktail - or if your west - try their Tiny Robot in Westbourne Groove (sorry for all the non-London peeps).I can't believe I haven't shared these beauties with you yet - to be fair, I've only just re-discovered them recently myself - they were hiding in a box under my bed. I got these bad boys last year in the Office sale for a whole £5! Not bad hey?! So shiny and colourful. I kept the red theme going with the rest of my outfit too...Alas - today is Friday, I had so many plans for the weekend - I was meant to be having high tea with my friend tomorrow - it's been booked for months! And on Sunday a day trip to Brighton - but alas, work has scuffed my plans and I'm now working both days - yay for 12day week for me! :( Sad times - but I'm almost there and the finished product will be worth it. I do still have one thing to look forward to and that's my friends birthday meal on Saturday evening, which should be a good laugh with good friends - unfortunately I can't join them for their after hours dancing because of work on Sunday, but hey at least I get to go to some of it.


GIORGIO ARMANI Aqua for Life Event in Munich

Right before I went on my trip to the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan & Syria) I went to the ARMANI Aqua for Life Press Event that was hosted in Munich. It was actually pretty interesting because they had the head of "Green Cross" there to hold a speach about the leck of drinking water in Afrika and how Armani is supporting the Project "Aqua for Life". We all got one 50ml Aqua di Gioia perfume with a code that one could reveal by scratching it free so we all were asked to build our own Facebook Group and were able to give 100 Liter right away!! You can also join mine and help collecting water for the people in Africa womens cardigans online! just wanted to let you know that last nights post -OF COURSE- was a little 1st of April JOKE ;) This Outfit and also the hair (I would NEVER get a Permanent!) was part of a project me and two friends were helping our creative Katja for some University-Assignment. Here is the real Deal! Hey ihr Süßen, wollte euch nur kurz aufklären, dass mein letzter Post natürlich ein kleiner 1. April-Scherz war ;) Das (Puppen-) Outfit und die Haare waren nur für das Shooting und danach gingen die Locken natürlich auch wieder raus! Wie ich neulich schon erzählt hatte war ich in Berlin und wir Blogger-Mädels haben unserer lieben Katja ein wenig geholfen für ihr Uni-Projekt. Hier ein paar Making-Of Bilder! Last Weekend my family from Hamburg visited me in Munich. My brothers are huge 'Bayern München' Soccer Fans (shame on them!) and they finally got some tickets for the game so my Dad decided to drive down the 8h to lovly Bavaria and brought my Mom with them and since it was her Birthday and she's not into soccer I spent a wonderful day with her in Munich. Letzte Woche war es endlich soweit und meine Familie aus Hamburg kam nach ner halben Ewigkeit mal wieder ins weit entfernte München - die liebe Tochter & Schwester besuchen :) Ok high-low sweater oasap, zugegeben ich war nicht der einzige Grund, denn mein Vater hatte nach langen Bemühungen endlich drei Karten für die Bundesliga "HSV vs. Bayern München" bekommen und da meine Brüder verrückte Bayern-Fans sind (Schande, ich weiß!) gings für die Jungs zum Fußballspiel während ich mir mit meiner Mom einen super schönen Shopping-Sightseeing Tag in München gemacht habe.


My last two weeks through Instagram

As you already noticed my last two weeks have been kind of busy. I had my last exams, flew to Paris and spent three amazing days there. I enjoyed some sunny days in Munich and had my last university courses this weekend (from 9 am til 4 am on a saturday and sunday!). I am glad that my university tasks are almost over now and summer break is to come. However I am thinking about working fulltime or at least 3-4 days a week to earn some money. Do you guys work a sidejob? Wie ihr ja wahrscheinlich schon gemerkt habt, ist den letzten zwei Wochen einiges bei mir gewesen cable sweater fashion oasap. Ich hatte meine letzten Klausuren, durfte für drei wundervolle Tage nach Paris fliegen und wunderschönes sonniges Wetter in München genießen. Aber auch Unistress und Arbeit waren ein Teil meiner vollen lezten Wochen. Samstag und Gestern hatte ich zum Beispiel zwei volle Tage von morgens bis abends ein Uni-Seminar in meinem Nebenfach Kommunikationswissenschaften was etwas stressig bzw. vor allem zeitintensiv war. Daher konnte ich gestern auch leider nicht bloggen. Ist euch eigentlich aufgefallen, dass ich mittlerweile fast jede Tag blogge? Findet ihr das eigentlich gut oder schaut ihr nur jeden zweiten oder dritten Tag hier vorbei? A couple of weeks ago Angela asked some Fashion Bloggers from Munich to shoot some outfits for her university project where she wanted to create a mixture between photographies and illustrations. Here is what she made of our loks. Which version or set do you like the best? Vor einigen Wochen fragte Angela ein paar Münchner Blogger um Outfits für ihr Universitätsprojekt zu machen. Die daraus entstandenen Outfits und Bilder mit den beiden anderen Bloggerinnen Alice und Caro habe ich euch ja bereits gezeigt. Das besondere an diesen Illugrafien ist, dass es sich um eine Mischung zwischen Fotografien und Illustrationen handelt und ich wirklich beeindruckt bin vom Ergebnis :) Welche Variante gefällt euch denn am besten? Hey guys I don't know if you have simular 'private shopping clubs' in the States or Europe like we have in Germany. There are some exclusive online shopping clubs where you get invited to find great (mostly) designer deals shirts online. I haven't found the perfect one yet but am always open for ideas and hints so if you know a good one please tell me :) Ihr Lieben, ich habe mal eine Frage - wer von euch ist in einem dieser privaten Online Shopping Clubs? Ich weiß noch, als eine Freundin mir vor knapp drei Jahren zum ersten Mal eine Einladung zu Best Secret geschickt hat und ich die Idee von so einem exklusiven Shopping Club irgendwie echt interessant fande. Allerdings habe ich dort nie etwas gekauft weil die meisten Sachen mich dann doch nicht überzeugt haben oder einfach viel zu schnell weg waren, da es sich ja meistens um stark reduzierte Designerware handelt. Seid ihr in einem dieser Shopping Clubs wie fab, flavs oder brands4friends? Wäre echt cool, wenn mir wer sagen könnte welcher am besten ist und wo es die besten Designer Deals gibt weil ich mich nicht bei allen anmelden will :) Also immer her mit euren Vorschlägen. Und bald zeige ich euch auch schon meine Paris Shoppingausbeute..


My Favorite Spots in New York City and Insiders' Tips

Ich muss gestehen, als ich vor einem Jahr das erste Mal in New York war hat mich die Stadt nicht so umgehauen und beeindruckt, wie eigentlich erwartet. Die Gebäude waren gar nicht so groß, wie gedacht, die Frauen alle in flachen Schuhen und nicht besonders ausgefallen oder wahnsinnig fashionable angezogen und der Times Square erschien mir viel kleiner, dreckiger und unglamuröser als ich es mir aus Filmen und Erzählungen ausgemalt hatte. Dennoch hat mich NYC insoweit überzeugt, dass ich mir sicher war – das kann es noch nicht gewesen sein, ich muss zurückkommen! Gesagt, getan. Und so war ich diesen April zum zweiten Mal im Big Apple bzw. diesmal etwas außerhalb von Manhattan auf der anderen Seite der Brücke in Long Island City womens vests, Queens. Nicht nur die Gegend sondern auch die Zeit hat sich geändert und so war es im April zwar immer noch recht kühl und frisch aber mit vereinzelten sonnigen Frühlingstagen schon um einiges wärmer als beim letzten Besuch Ende Februar. Meine persönliche Erfahrung zeigt mir nun auch, dass man sich für New York City (und die wunderschöne und spannende Umgebung) einfach etwas mehr Zeit nehmen muss. Meiner Meinung nach sollte man mindestens eine Woche für diese riesige impulsive Metropole einplanen, da es einfach so wahnsinnig vile zu sehen, auszuprobieren und zu entdecken gibt, dass es sich bei drei bis fünf Tagen einfach nicht richtig lohnt. Aber kommen wir zu meinen persönlichen Hot Spots in und um NYC: Sightseeing: Dinge wie den Times Square, den Central Park oder die Statue of Liberty muss ich an dieser Stelle wohl nicht erwähnen – ich möchte euch vielmehr ein paar Geheimtipps und Plätze zeigen, die ich kennen und lieben gelernt habe. Brooklyn Bridge Park (Brooklyn) Brooklyn gehört mit Williamsburg ohnehin schon zu einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsnachbarschaften in New York aber der Brooklyn Bridge Park am Ende der berühmten Brooklyn Bridge ist wirklich nicht nur wunderschön zum entspannen sondern auch super als Foto Location (für Outfits oder einfach eine tolle NYC Skyline). Fashionistas wie Olivia Palermo lieben diese Gegend mit den vielen kleinen Cafés und Shops und es gibt angeblich das leckerste Eis direkt unter der Brücke (im April war der Laden aber leider noch zu) http://www.oasap.com/97-jackets. Wer meinen Blog verfolgt wird mitbekommen haben, dass ich etliche Posts über den Stadtteil Williamsburg in Brooklyn geschrieben habe. Ich würde es mit dem Berliner Prenzlauer Berg, der Hamburger Schanze oder dem Münchner Glockenbachviertel vergleichen und es als kleine Community der Künstler und Kreativen bezeichnen. Es gibt wahnsinnig viele kleine Geschäfte, Flohmärkte, Vintage Läden und etliche kleine Möbel Designer Läden. Die Straßen sind voll mit jungen, stylischen Leuten (coole Streetstyles findet ihr hier wahrscheinlich mehr als überall sonst in NYC) und etlichen Cafés und Restaurants – aber dazu mehr unter Essen. Long Island City ist meiner Meinung nach die etwas schönere und ruhigere Version von Brooklyn – etliche Filme und Serien wie zum Beispiel Gossip Girl wurden hier gedreht und es herrscht eine sehr familiäre und harmonische Stimmung. Wenn ihr mit der Subway eine Station von Great Central zur Vernon Street fahrt könnt ihr runter zur Waterfront laufen und habt von dort aus einen wahnsinns Blick auf die Skyline von Manhattan.


Some of my favorite looks from outside the tents NYFW Fall 2013

Only catching the last couple of days of fashion week left me with not enough time to capture as much as I liked from the tents and beyond.. but despite the limited amount of time spent out there I was able to fill up an entire roll of film. Here are some of the best.. As you will see, my focus was on the vintage, vintage inspired, unique, colorful and unexpected.... since I always feel they are the minority represented and photographed. Oh and don't ask me who's wearing what because these were all hit and runs.... :) As mentioned in my last post, I am pining and soooo ready for spring time. I just got back from L.A, where 70 degrees and sunny is the norm, so you can only imagine the shock to my system when returning to this frozen tundra we call NYC. I get very impatient right around this time and start ignoring things such as gloves and hats, in the hopes that if I am not dressed warm enough, the weather gods will have pity on me and raise the temperatures just enough so I don't get frost bitten. This method has NOT been successful in the past, yet I keep trying. Prime example is the look below. It must have been a 40 degree day, yet with the winds.. I tell you it felt below 40. The things we do for blogging and fashion... PFF! Outfit Details: Skirt: thrifted -local shop in queens; Blouse: Searle -thrifted from salvation army; Shoes B Brian Atwood (gifted); Jewelry: Vintage from various flea markets and thrift stores; Handbag is vintage and you can find it here;



I'm very excited to be heading on a city break with some friends next week (including Katie from Glass of Fashion blog) to Venice. In preparation for my trip I've put together an inspiration board of SS13 styles from John Lewis that I'd pack in my fantasy weekend bag. There's printed jeans and a classic breton tee for day, paired with comfy Carvela glitter sneakers. John Lewis carry a fab range of Kurt Geiger shoes, and for after dusk I'd team this simply beautiful Coast bloom-print skirt with some on-trend white flat Kurt Geiger pumps. An over the body bags like this Mimi pink satchel is a must-have too, to keep my hands free to use my new SLR camera. What are your city break essentials? One trend that I'm finding really interesting at the moment is the evolution of the trainer from sportswear staple to fashion footwear. During London Fashion Week, the cobbles of Somerset House were hot footed across in many-a-pair of natty New Balance sneakers inbetween the shows. We have, in part, the Olympics legacy to thank for this athletic trend, which I am pretty sure has been helped along by the new super Cara Delvingne whose off-duty model look consists of 99% street/ sportswear. For a great example of how the trend can work in real-life, check out Reem of Five Five Fabulous blog who nailed the look in a leather dress/ Nike sneaker combination during LFW. It's a trend that I'm also keen to try out, so I've been perusing the net for the best trainers out there. Here's my top 6: London Fashion Week always provides me with plenty of fashionable food for thought and this year I have come away with a renewed belief that designer collections are 100% worth investing in. However, this season I noted that the way in which fashion editors are wearing designer has changed; instead of investing in timeless classics (trench coats etc) they are buying brilliantly bold statement pieces to 'fashion-up' high-street basics. With this new shopping mantra in mind, I've compiled my edit from online designer e-boutique Avenue 32 of SS13 designer pieces that will shout in your outfit. Avenue 32 stock a plethora of designer brands from well known labels like uber-designer Phillip Lim to under-the-radar collections like the super cool No.21 womens cardigans from oasap. Take Mother of Pearl's floral/stripe print culottes for example (3.), an out-there style for sure, but they looked fabulous on one fashion ed on Somerset House's cobbles teamed with a classic camel coat and black court shoes. Likewise you can't go wrong with a pop of designer neon; Antonio Marras' floral tee (1.) and Aperlai's fluro-detail slingbacks (5.) are unlike anything I have seen on the high street. Remember to invest in making a statement and you can't go wrong.


Festival Attire for the weekend

This is definintely not another one of those repetitive 'festival chic' posts. This is me literally just showing you what I'm planning on wearing this weekend to my first festival of the year, Hop Farm. I'm super excited to see the likes of Morissey (my fave), Lou Reed and Prince amongst others; hurry up Saturday.1. The picture above is me at the fabulous Aussie event yesterday. It was so much fun; there was catwalk hair styling, photoshoots, champagne tasting and a candy floss machine that we got to do ourselves, mine was a bit of a disaster but tasted good anyway. I'll do a whole post on it in the week. 2. I've started back on placement this week, this time on a Stroke Unit. Dear god it is hard, heavy work. I'd only been there an hour and I already felt like I'd been on a treadmill all day! Hopefully my blog won't suffer oasap coat, but if I choose an afternoon nap over an OOTD post sometimes, I hope you won't hold it against me! 3. I am extremely excited to announce the winners of my giveaway! They were selected by random.org and have all now been contacted...Congratulations girls!1. Rich and I have been doing some serious DIYing today! Thanks to some awesome thrift-hunting this week, we've been painting an antique dressing table for my dressing room (which is beauuutiful now, I must say) and hanging lots of pictures around the house. Photos to come in this weeks 'My week in thrifts' post. 2. Work has exhausted me this week! It is reinforcing the idea of wanting to work for myself, in my romantic ideal of owning a vintage shop whilst freelancing. Maybe it won't always be a dream, I just have to get through the next year and a half to finish this course before I can make it happen. 3. I've been having more guitar lessons from Rich today! I love it. Okay, so I'm really not very good, but it's nice having a bit of a hobby. The perk of being engaged to a guitar teacher is that I can bug him to help me every waking moment. 4. I really need a pretty summer dress for Saturday (Aussie's lusciously light summer soiree), but I only have about an hour free this entire week on wednesday afternoon in which to get one. So please, has anybody seen any nice ones on their travels?