
Sharing is Caring ♥

Sorry Guys and Dolls - I've had a super busy weekend working until late night both days - booo! Which means, though I have lots to share with you I haven't managed to edit my photo's and put a post together yet - booo :( So I thought I'd make do with this rather brief post sharing my two finds for the weekend coat jackets... Firstly introducing Galibardy - the most awesome jewelery shop ever (especially if you're as obsessed as me with animal jewelery) - it actually turns out I have a couple of items from them already but just didn't realise it! doh! There used to be a little stall in Brick Lane stocking all these gorgeous items- though I haven't seen them there for a while. I think they have the most unique and totally stunning jewelery which is bound to make any outfit pop. All their jewelery is so beautifully crafted and most of the rings are adjustable so you'll definitely find something to fit! And for my second find? As mentioned in my last post, I did manage to pop along to my friends Birthday on Saturday evening - though I didn't make it in time for the meal, I managed to have a little taster of their tapas, and a rather delicious Mojito. It was a cute little bar/restaurant in Clerkenwell called The Giant Robot - it has a really cosy yet vibrant atmosphere and a delicious food menu (from what I tried anyway) jean vests. Stupidly, though I carry 2 camera's with me at all times I didn't take any pictures - I got far to swept up in conversation. I would recommend a visit if your ever in the area and fancy a totally scrumptious cocktail - or if your west - try their Tiny Robot in Westbourne Groove (sorry for all the non-London peeps).I can't believe I haven't shared these beauties with you yet - to be fair, I've only just re-discovered them recently myself - they were hiding in a box under my bed. I got these bad boys last year in the Office sale for a whole £5! Not bad hey?! So shiny and colourful. I kept the red theme going with the rest of my outfit too...Alas - today is Friday, I had so many plans for the weekend - I was meant to be having high tea with my friend tomorrow - it's been booked for months! And on Sunday a day trip to Brighton - but alas, work has scuffed my plans and I'm now working both days - yay for 12day week for me! :( Sad times - but I'm almost there and the finished product will be worth it. I do still have one thing to look forward to and that's my friends birthday meal on Saturday evening, which should be a good laugh with good friends - unfortunately I can't join them for their after hours dancing because of work on Sunday, but hey at least I get to go to some of it.


GIORGIO ARMANI Aqua for Life Event in Munich

Right before I went on my trip to the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan & Syria) I went to the ARMANI Aqua for Life Press Event that was hosted in Munich. It was actually pretty interesting because they had the head of "Green Cross" there to hold a speach about the leck of drinking water in Afrika and how Armani is supporting the Project "Aqua for Life". We all got one 50ml Aqua di Gioia perfume with a code that one could reveal by scratching it free so we all were asked to build our own Facebook Group and were able to give 100 Liter right away!! You can also join mine and help collecting water for the people in Africa womens cardigans online! just wanted to let you know that last nights post -OF COURSE- was a little 1st of April JOKE ;) This Outfit and also the hair (I would NEVER get a Permanent!) was part of a project me and two friends were helping our creative Katja for some University-Assignment. Here is the real Deal! Hey ihr Süßen, wollte euch nur kurz aufklären, dass mein letzter Post natürlich ein kleiner 1. April-Scherz war ;) Das (Puppen-) Outfit und die Haare waren nur für das Shooting und danach gingen die Locken natürlich auch wieder raus! Wie ich neulich schon erzählt hatte war ich in Berlin und wir Blogger-Mädels haben unserer lieben Katja ein wenig geholfen für ihr Uni-Projekt. Hier ein paar Making-Of Bilder! Last Weekend my family from Hamburg visited me in Munich. My brothers are huge 'Bayern München' Soccer Fans (shame on them!) and they finally got some tickets for the game so my Dad decided to drive down the 8h to lovly Bavaria and brought my Mom with them and since it was her Birthday and she's not into soccer I spent a wonderful day with her in Munich. Letzte Woche war es endlich soweit und meine Familie aus Hamburg kam nach ner halben Ewigkeit mal wieder ins weit entfernte München - die liebe Tochter & Schwester besuchen :) Ok high-low sweater oasap, zugegeben ich war nicht der einzige Grund, denn mein Vater hatte nach langen Bemühungen endlich drei Karten für die Bundesliga "HSV vs. Bayern München" bekommen und da meine Brüder verrückte Bayern-Fans sind (Schande, ich weiß!) gings für die Jungs zum Fußballspiel während ich mir mit meiner Mom einen super schönen Shopping-Sightseeing Tag in München gemacht habe.


My last two weeks through Instagram

As you already noticed my last two weeks have been kind of busy. I had my last exams, flew to Paris and spent three amazing days there. I enjoyed some sunny days in Munich and had my last university courses this weekend (from 9 am til 4 am on a saturday and sunday!). I am glad that my university tasks are almost over now and summer break is to come. However I am thinking about working fulltime or at least 3-4 days a week to earn some money. Do you guys work a sidejob? Wie ihr ja wahrscheinlich schon gemerkt habt, ist den letzten zwei Wochen einiges bei mir gewesen cable sweater fashion oasap. Ich hatte meine letzten Klausuren, durfte für drei wundervolle Tage nach Paris fliegen und wunderschönes sonniges Wetter in München genießen. Aber auch Unistress und Arbeit waren ein Teil meiner vollen lezten Wochen. Samstag und Gestern hatte ich zum Beispiel zwei volle Tage von morgens bis abends ein Uni-Seminar in meinem Nebenfach Kommunikationswissenschaften was etwas stressig bzw. vor allem zeitintensiv war. Daher konnte ich gestern auch leider nicht bloggen. Ist euch eigentlich aufgefallen, dass ich mittlerweile fast jede Tag blogge? Findet ihr das eigentlich gut oder schaut ihr nur jeden zweiten oder dritten Tag hier vorbei? A couple of weeks ago Angela asked some Fashion Bloggers from Munich to shoot some outfits for her university project where she wanted to create a mixture between photographies and illustrations. Here is what she made of our loks. Which version or set do you like the best? Vor einigen Wochen fragte Angela ein paar Münchner Blogger um Outfits für ihr Universitätsprojekt zu machen. Die daraus entstandenen Outfits und Bilder mit den beiden anderen Bloggerinnen Alice und Caro habe ich euch ja bereits gezeigt. Das besondere an diesen Illugrafien ist, dass es sich um eine Mischung zwischen Fotografien und Illustrationen handelt und ich wirklich beeindruckt bin vom Ergebnis :) Welche Variante gefällt euch denn am besten? Hey guys I don't know if you have simular 'private shopping clubs' in the States or Europe like we have in Germany. There are some exclusive online shopping clubs where you get invited to find great (mostly) designer deals shirts online. I haven't found the perfect one yet but am always open for ideas and hints so if you know a good one please tell me :) Ihr Lieben, ich habe mal eine Frage - wer von euch ist in einem dieser privaten Online Shopping Clubs? Ich weiß noch, als eine Freundin mir vor knapp drei Jahren zum ersten Mal eine Einladung zu Best Secret geschickt hat und ich die Idee von so einem exklusiven Shopping Club irgendwie echt interessant fande. Allerdings habe ich dort nie etwas gekauft weil die meisten Sachen mich dann doch nicht überzeugt haben oder einfach viel zu schnell weg waren, da es sich ja meistens um stark reduzierte Designerware handelt. Seid ihr in einem dieser Shopping Clubs wie fab, flavs oder brands4friends? Wäre echt cool, wenn mir wer sagen könnte welcher am besten ist und wo es die besten Designer Deals gibt weil ich mich nicht bei allen anmelden will :) Also immer her mit euren Vorschlägen. Und bald zeige ich euch auch schon meine Paris Shoppingausbeute..


My Favorite Spots in New York City and Insiders' Tips

Ich muss gestehen, als ich vor einem Jahr das erste Mal in New York war hat mich die Stadt nicht so umgehauen und beeindruckt, wie eigentlich erwartet. Die Gebäude waren gar nicht so groß, wie gedacht, die Frauen alle in flachen Schuhen und nicht besonders ausgefallen oder wahnsinnig fashionable angezogen und der Times Square erschien mir viel kleiner, dreckiger und unglamuröser als ich es mir aus Filmen und Erzählungen ausgemalt hatte. Dennoch hat mich NYC insoweit überzeugt, dass ich mir sicher war – das kann es noch nicht gewesen sein, ich muss zurückkommen! Gesagt, getan. Und so war ich diesen April zum zweiten Mal im Big Apple bzw. diesmal etwas außerhalb von Manhattan auf der anderen Seite der Brücke in Long Island City womens vests, Queens. Nicht nur die Gegend sondern auch die Zeit hat sich geändert und so war es im April zwar immer noch recht kühl und frisch aber mit vereinzelten sonnigen Frühlingstagen schon um einiges wärmer als beim letzten Besuch Ende Februar. Meine persönliche Erfahrung zeigt mir nun auch, dass man sich für New York City (und die wunderschöne und spannende Umgebung) einfach etwas mehr Zeit nehmen muss. Meiner Meinung nach sollte man mindestens eine Woche für diese riesige impulsive Metropole einplanen, da es einfach so wahnsinnig vile zu sehen, auszuprobieren und zu entdecken gibt, dass es sich bei drei bis fünf Tagen einfach nicht richtig lohnt. Aber kommen wir zu meinen persönlichen Hot Spots in und um NYC: Sightseeing: Dinge wie den Times Square, den Central Park oder die Statue of Liberty muss ich an dieser Stelle wohl nicht erwähnen – ich möchte euch vielmehr ein paar Geheimtipps und Plätze zeigen, die ich kennen und lieben gelernt habe. Brooklyn Bridge Park (Brooklyn) Brooklyn gehört mit Williamsburg ohnehin schon zu einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsnachbarschaften in New York aber der Brooklyn Bridge Park am Ende der berühmten Brooklyn Bridge ist wirklich nicht nur wunderschön zum entspannen sondern auch super als Foto Location (für Outfits oder einfach eine tolle NYC Skyline). Fashionistas wie Olivia Palermo lieben diese Gegend mit den vielen kleinen Cafés und Shops und es gibt angeblich das leckerste Eis direkt unter der Brücke (im April war der Laden aber leider noch zu) http://www.oasap.com/97-jackets. Wer meinen Blog verfolgt wird mitbekommen haben, dass ich etliche Posts über den Stadtteil Williamsburg in Brooklyn geschrieben habe. Ich würde es mit dem Berliner Prenzlauer Berg, der Hamburger Schanze oder dem Münchner Glockenbachviertel vergleichen und es als kleine Community der Künstler und Kreativen bezeichnen. Es gibt wahnsinnig viele kleine Geschäfte, Flohmärkte, Vintage Läden und etliche kleine Möbel Designer Läden. Die Straßen sind voll mit jungen, stylischen Leuten (coole Streetstyles findet ihr hier wahrscheinlich mehr als überall sonst in NYC) und etlichen Cafés und Restaurants – aber dazu mehr unter Essen. Long Island City ist meiner Meinung nach die etwas schönere und ruhigere Version von Brooklyn – etliche Filme und Serien wie zum Beispiel Gossip Girl wurden hier gedreht und es herrscht eine sehr familiäre und harmonische Stimmung. Wenn ihr mit der Subway eine Station von Great Central zur Vernon Street fahrt könnt ihr runter zur Waterfront laufen und habt von dort aus einen wahnsinns Blick auf die Skyline von Manhattan.


Some of my favorite looks from outside the tents NYFW Fall 2013

Only catching the last couple of days of fashion week left me with not enough time to capture as much as I liked from the tents and beyond.. but despite the limited amount of time spent out there I was able to fill up an entire roll of film. Here are some of the best.. As you will see, my focus was on the vintage, vintage inspired, unique, colorful and unexpected.... since I always feel they are the minority represented and photographed. Oh and don't ask me who's wearing what because these were all hit and runs.... :) As mentioned in my last post, I am pining and soooo ready for spring time. I just got back from L.A, where 70 degrees and sunny is the norm, so you can only imagine the shock to my system when returning to this frozen tundra we call NYC. I get very impatient right around this time and start ignoring things such as gloves and hats, in the hopes that if I am not dressed warm enough, the weather gods will have pity on me and raise the temperatures just enough so I don't get frost bitten. This method has NOT been successful in the past, yet I keep trying. Prime example is the look below. It must have been a 40 degree day, yet with the winds.. I tell you it felt below 40. The things we do for blogging and fashion... PFF! Outfit Details: Skirt: thrifted -local shop in queens; Blouse: Searle -thrifted from salvation army; Shoes B Brian Atwood (gifted); Jewelry: Vintage from various flea markets and thrift stores; Handbag is vintage and you can find it here;



I'm very excited to be heading on a city break with some friends next week (including Katie from Glass of Fashion blog) to Venice. In preparation for my trip I've put together an inspiration board of SS13 styles from John Lewis that I'd pack in my fantasy weekend bag. There's printed jeans and a classic breton tee for day, paired with comfy Carvela glitter sneakers. John Lewis carry a fab range of Kurt Geiger shoes, and for after dusk I'd team this simply beautiful Coast bloom-print skirt with some on-trend white flat Kurt Geiger pumps. An over the body bags like this Mimi pink satchel is a must-have too, to keep my hands free to use my new SLR camera. What are your city break essentials? One trend that I'm finding really interesting at the moment is the evolution of the trainer from sportswear staple to fashion footwear. During London Fashion Week, the cobbles of Somerset House were hot footed across in many-a-pair of natty New Balance sneakers inbetween the shows. We have, in part, the Olympics legacy to thank for this athletic trend, which I am pretty sure has been helped along by the new super Cara Delvingne whose off-duty model look consists of 99% street/ sportswear. For a great example of how the trend can work in real-life, check out Reem of Five Five Fabulous blog who nailed the look in a leather dress/ Nike sneaker combination during LFW. It's a trend that I'm also keen to try out, so I've been perusing the net for the best trainers out there. Here's my top 6: London Fashion Week always provides me with plenty of fashionable food for thought and this year I have come away with a renewed belief that designer collections are 100% worth investing in. However, this season I noted that the way in which fashion editors are wearing designer has changed; instead of investing in timeless classics (trench coats etc) they are buying brilliantly bold statement pieces to 'fashion-up' high-street basics. With this new shopping mantra in mind, I've compiled my edit from online designer e-boutique Avenue 32 of SS13 designer pieces that will shout in your outfit. Avenue 32 stock a plethora of designer brands from well known labels like uber-designer Phillip Lim to under-the-radar collections like the super cool No.21 womens cardigans from oasap. Take Mother of Pearl's floral/stripe print culottes for example (3.), an out-there style for sure, but they looked fabulous on one fashion ed on Somerset House's cobbles teamed with a classic camel coat and black court shoes. Likewise you can't go wrong with a pop of designer neon; Antonio Marras' floral tee (1.) and Aperlai's fluro-detail slingbacks (5.) are unlike anything I have seen on the high street. Remember to invest in making a statement and you can't go wrong.


Festival Attire for the weekend

This is definintely not another one of those repetitive 'festival chic' posts. This is me literally just showing you what I'm planning on wearing this weekend to my first festival of the year, Hop Farm. I'm super excited to see the likes of Morissey (my fave), Lou Reed and Prince amongst others; hurry up Saturday.1. The picture above is me at the fabulous Aussie event yesterday. It was so much fun; there was catwalk hair styling, photoshoots, champagne tasting and a candy floss machine that we got to do ourselves, mine was a bit of a disaster but tasted good anyway. I'll do a whole post on it in the week. 2. I've started back on placement this week, this time on a Stroke Unit. Dear god it is hard, heavy work. I'd only been there an hour and I already felt like I'd been on a treadmill all day! Hopefully my blog won't suffer oasap coat, but if I choose an afternoon nap over an OOTD post sometimes, I hope you won't hold it against me! 3. I am extremely excited to announce the winners of my giveaway! They were selected by random.org and have all now been contacted...Congratulations girls!1. Rich and I have been doing some serious DIYing today! Thanks to some awesome thrift-hunting this week, we've been painting an antique dressing table for my dressing room (which is beauuutiful now, I must say) and hanging lots of pictures around the house. Photos to come in this weeks 'My week in thrifts' post. 2. Work has exhausted me this week! It is reinforcing the idea of wanting to work for myself, in my romantic ideal of owning a vintage shop whilst freelancing. Maybe it won't always be a dream, I just have to get through the next year and a half to finish this course before I can make it happen. 3. I've been having more guitar lessons from Rich today! I love it. Okay, so I'm really not very good, but it's nice having a bit of a hobby. The perk of being engaged to a guitar teacher is that I can bug him to help me every waking moment. 4. I really need a pretty summer dress for Saturday (Aussie's lusciously light summer soiree), but I only have about an hour free this entire week on wednesday afternoon in which to get one. So please, has anybody seen any nice ones on their travels?


Black and gold

Most of my tights are from M&S but I bought these yellow beauties from Accessorize and think I’ve been converted! They’re SO comfortable and the colour is deliciously rich. Like my legs have been dipped in yellow paint! Wearing yellow makes me feel so happy and smiley. Happy Wednesday! :) Now, I’m a pretty organised girl. I never have chipped nails outwear here. My handwriting is neat. I always remembered my P.E. kit at school. So why does my wardrobe look like this?! I can only blame it on my creative mind… ahem… I’m a habitual clearer - every three months I pull everything out and I’m brutal with my eBay/charity shop/bin piles. When that’s all done, I fastidiously organise my wardrobe, line up all my shoes and admire the results. Lovely. One week later… see photo. Anyone else have similar problems? I really love this outfit. The dress is a classic wardrobe piece that I wear time and time again. Starting this blog has made me really think about what I’m putting on every morning - I don’t have a HUUUUUUGE collection of clothing, which means I often wear the same things again and again. The trick is learning how to make each outfit look fresh and new. Coloured tights have been my saviour, I’m building up a mighty fine collection that I can mix and match with different dresses. This blazer was a summer purchase. It’s a fab, slouchy jersey material but has the tendency to swamp me and look a little… saggy. By belting it like this, I got a nice, sharp shape that looks pretty modern. And it makes my lovely floral dress look brand spanking new. Outfit win! Another day, another dollar. Or pound, as the case may be. Today’s outfit is a tried and tested favourite of mine - what’s not to love about stripes, red tights and flamingos? Nothing I tell you, absolutely nothing. I originally paired the flamingo vest with my new high waisted tulip skirt but felt too dressed up for work (and the skirt is quite tight and not particularly suitable for a day spent sitting at a desk!) so changed to my failsafe. I don’t want to add up how much this little lot cost me… It’s a well known fact among my friends, family and workmates that I love nail varnish. I almost always have painted nails - it’s an instant happy boost. Painting your nails doesn’t make you feel too fat, too tall, big footed or uncool like clothes and shoes can on a bad day. Looking down at a brightly coloured perfect 10 (or 20, if I have bare feet!) is a great feeling leather jacket for women. This is only a small portion of my huge collection. These are my favourite shades and brands, and right now I’m rocking chocolate brown. I actually got rid of quite a few pots a few weeks ago, including a poorly advised pink glitter and a neon yellow that stained my nails through base coat. So, my tip for a gloomy day is to give your nails a lick of paint. Not only will it cheer you up no end, but it gives you a great get out clause when it comes to housework. Happy painting!


eve Fashion Swaps

 Most of you will know I live in the north, Leeds, to be exact. I love my city - it's vibrant, friendly and has some fantastic, award-winning creative talent. For anyone interested in fashion (aside from shopping) however, the north has serious drawbacks fashion.

Almost all major fashion brands are based in London. There are a few flying the flag up here - Republic is in Leeds, Rare is Liverpool-based, Boo Hoo is in Manchester and our homegrown haute couture label Aqua is proud of its Leeds heritage. But high street favourites, famous labels and fashion week remain resolutely down south. It's enough to make a northern gal stamp her Loboutin-clad feet.

That's why when the folks at eve contacted me about their Fashion Swap events, I was more than happy to give them a shout out... because they're both past the Watford Gap! Hooray! eve's Fashion Swaps are happening on Wednesday 15th September (tomorrow!) from 6pm at Dukes 92, Castlefield, Machester, and Thursday 23rd September at PanAm, Albert Docks, Liverpool. All you stylish northern folk have to do is take along one unwanted, good quality piece of clothing and you'll get to walk out with something completely new to you! Everyone wins!

The events are hosted by the fabulously lovely Louise Redknapp and as well as all the fun clothes-swapping business, you'll get style advice and mini manicures. Did I mention it's all free, too?

If your wardrobe needs a refresh womens shirts online, you're stuck in a style rut or you just want to experience some of the fashion fun those London folk enjoy on a regular basis, you'll need to book a ticket. Just text 'eve Liverpool' or 'eve Manchester' to 82500 and you'll be sent a unique code to your phone that you'll need to show on the door.

I'm hoping I can make it to the Liverpool event - let me know if you're going and if you spot me make sure you come say hello!


Outfit | Perfect Parka

I’m so very happy I finally found the perfect parka! I used to have another one (see here) and held onto it about 3 years too long, because I couldn’t find the perfect one, but I finally have. I looove the chambray details, it gives just that little extra. Wearing an oversized jumper that I’ve borrowed from my boyfriend, which is ‘our’ favorite jumper now, and I would wear it all the time if he would let me. Luckily he did today. I love stealing my man’s clothes and then pairing the oversized item with short shorts and some heels to make it ‘me’. What do you think of the result? I’m so much enjoying the sun when it pops out lately, it’s great to already feel that spring vibe in March! But it also means a need for a wardrobe change, from winter to spring, which I find a pretty daunting task. I’m a jumper person, and I love knits and boots and oversized clothing, and wearing black and grey. Which is all not very spring-y I guess. So I’m in transition here, wearing spring whites already but still with black velvet trousers (velvet is making a comeback, mark my words). Still so hooked on this white coat by the way, I wear it all the time and it’s the perfect spring coat for now. How do you like my black and white ensemble? Yesterday I attended the River Island summer collection presentation, a fashion show organized by Oona. I have a lot of clothes from River Island and there are always pieces in River Island collections that I love, so it was nice to see the new collection ‘in full swing’ yesterday! My favorites were definitely the sleeveless denim shirt, the metallic top and the mint and white tie dye jeans in the last picture! I’m so going to stop by there soon because I’m very much in need of some summer wear! Was also lovely to meet up with all the gorgeous bloggers that were there, as you can see in the pictures, there were a lot of them!


Senior Pictures!

After months and months of waiting my senior pictures are finally here! Having them makes being a senior I guess... so...real. I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be a senior in high school. Simple things I take for granted now, such as sleeping in my own bed and seeing my family every day, will be taken away from me in just less than a year as I venture off by myself to college! The school year seems to be moving by at the speed of light... I already have two college applications completely filled out and I'm working on my third...my last homecoming is in such two short weeks... at the beginning of September I filled out my measurements for my cap and gown... All of this seems so surreal and I'm waiting for someone to pinch me to wake me up oasap womens cardigans! Anyways, enough chit chatting about all of my fears for now ;) I hope you all enjoy my senior pictures as much as I do! I couldn't be more happier with them and my photographer Cassidy did such an amazing job... It was so hard to pick which ones to order, and which ones to pick to show you all on here! All of the hard work of planning the session, picking out outfits, suffering in 100 degree heat, and driving two and a half hours away was well worth it though ❤It was such a beautiful and peaceful day out to take pictures. The leaves were gracefully falling from the tree branches as the wind picked up every now and then. Ohio has the most remarkable fall when the leaves start changing colors. I can't wait to be shooting this fall with my new camera because it captures color and mood so very well. Every day I fall in love with my camera a little bit more and more... Yesterday I had a complete and much needed 'Lauren' day. I had the most delicious hot chocolate, went thrifting, and visited the new coffee shop in town to do an interview for the school newspaper. I ended up thrifting three new cardigans that I was in need of rather badly. This beautiful deep green one in the pictures is just one of the three! Hope you all had a lovely weekend and continue to have a lovely start of the week tomorrow... With much love, Lauren.



I wore this two days ago but been too swamped with school work to be able to post :( It's also gotten bitterly cold here in Ohio quite earlier than I expected or remember. All I can see is the pain on my face in these pictures as the icy wind blows at me...yikes, not a fun day hence the minimal amount of pictures! Back to wearing two pairs of tights with all of my dresses ♥ Things have been good just hectic lately here. At the end of the day nothing is better than just laying in my bed, daydreaming and staring at the glow in the dark stars above my head. I think we all need to do daydreaming sometimes just to keep sane. For one of my fashion classes I have 48 flats due by next Thursday. A flat is basically a very detailed design of a garment that is sent to the manufacturers so they know how to put together a designer's idea (here's an image of what they look like). You have to put seam lines, hems, darts, details, embellishments, ect, and also it has to be drawn proportionally and exact because if you mess up, then thousands of garments (or maybe even more) will be produced that way. Even though I'm in merchandising and flats are technically a designer's forte, I'm taking a required visuals class where I have to design my own collection with 24 original flats (but front and back). I'm nervous because up until a few weeks ago I didn't even know what a flat was outerwear for women, and frankly I've never even done one yet. They take hours to do; coming up with the design, perfecting it, then tracing it in ink. If you smudge, you have to start completely over. Even though it'll be a difficult assignment and one that is certainly going to test me, I'm ready for the challenge and am excited to expand my abilities. So, if you don't see me much this coming week, know it's because I am throwing my life into those darn flats!


Ebbs & Flows, Highs & Lows

Anyway, I didn't get dressed up to stay at home and feel sorry for myself. Hehe. I was still determined to make the most of the day. I wore my kick ass black zipper jacket and comfy panda sweater, then sealed the deal with a lightweight purple scarf. I'm also wearing my tried and true black Chicwish high-low skirt. I'm glad I decided to pay a bit extra for it. The quality is fantastic and the length is perfect. Underneath that lies my golden, glittery suspender tights and my short black boots which I have come to love so much and wear quite often womens cardigans. I also carried my braided black fringe purse from Chicnova and wore a gold filigree collar necklace and gold studded wrap watch, both of which are from TIL Darling. Don't worry! By now I've weathered the storm and I'm back to normal. I think it's natural to experience such ups and downs, even when there is apparently no reason for it. It gives me a chance to be a little more introspective and investigate my own thoughts and feelings so I can better understand myself. :PToday, I am contemporaneously reminded of my mortality and of my incredible oldness. I have been on this Earth for decades. I played with a clunky Polaroid camera as a kid (the birthday themed film was my fav, you guys); I saw the beginnings of the internet (AOL IRC ICQ LOL WTF BBQ); I actually know what "dial-up" is; I know what a "modem" looks like; I know what a "floppy disk" looks like (I had some good games on those); I made mix tapes as a young teen which included greats such as Depeche Mode, Jamiroquai, Janet Jackson & The Pointer Sisters (I had eclectic tastes, shut up! Heh). I enjoyed roller skates; I went to warehouse raves before they were trendy hoodies for women; I hated my parents; I hated being tall; I hated my feet; I hated my Christian private school; I hated a lot of things actually. Atheism predated the beginning of my menstrual cycles; angst drove me to fill countless notebooks with poetry. I devoured books like "The Boxcar Children," "Goosebumps" (so cool, you guys and borderline too creepy for kids..); "The Lord of the Rings," "Dragonlance," and various choose your own adventure books; I fell in love with English, Etymology and track and field; I went to college, where I became enamored with Philosophy; while there, I traveled alone to a foreign land; I learned a second language; I became inundated with wanderlust; I saw my future; I went to graduate school and here I am.


DIY Bear Pinafore Dress

Hey guys! This DIY design has been pinned on my wall for around 2 months now, and today I was finally inspired to create it, not least in part after seeing Kathryn from Kitsune-kun's amazing Raccoon dress and hence also getting the idea for putting claws on my pockets! This little bear-face pinafore is my current favourite DIY creation (although basically every new DIY I do ends up taking place as my favourite, haha) hoodies. I also kind of decided to change my clothes halfway through taking these photos, and now I can't decide which outfit I like best, so lucky you guys, you get to see both :) Hope you're all having a wonderful day. Right now, I'm heading off to see the Sydney Metropolitan Orchestra play songs from Dr Who and I am SO excited (River Song is going to be there, OMG) #supergeek. But before I go, here's a super cute science item sent to me by my friend Brenton. These awesome chemists Chanteau and Tour, in order to interest kids in Chemistry, synthesised and anthropomorphised an organic molecule and made it look like a little dancing man, dubbing it "The Nanokid". If you know anything about chemistry website , it's pretty interesting seeing all the steps they took to synthesize this molecule - and you can read the paper here. If you don't know much about chemistry: all the straight lines are carbon atoms in chains with hydrogen atoms coming off the sides, and the O's are oxygens annnd that still probably doesn't mean much to you but at least you can kind of pretend to know what's going on now :) For some reason I had the idea that making a video would be easier than taking photos (as my camera's wireless remote is broken). That was very much a fantastical idea, video editing takes ages! Yikes! I'm also quite scared of putting something on youtube because the commenting culture is basically the polar opposite of fashion blogs. Negative comments are basically NOT A THING on fashion blogs, whereas I can't ever bring myself to look at comments on youtube videos as most are usually along the lines of "I hate you and you're worse than hitler, please go die" (and its like on a video of baby ducks or something). So what I'm trying to say is: please be nice to me youtube :) Also, I always freak out when bloggers I follow for ages upload videos and their voices and affectations aren't anything like I imagined them to be. I want to know if my voice is anything like what you might have imagined and/or if I freaked you guys out ;) haha.


Love is Hard.

Love is Hard.I had been wanting a pair of crochet shorts for a while, and had my eye on this Zara pair, but I can never justify spending over £20 on a pair of shorts, especially as I already own so many, so when I saw this pair on Oasap, I snapped them up. They are a very budget friendly price at £16.56, and I think the scalloped tiers are very similar to the Zara ones. A downside is that they only come in one size, but they should fit a size 6-10 just fine (the measurements are on the website). I also love this H&M top that I picked up in the sale, it is so lightweight and easy to wear :) I am sorry that I am looking away in all these photos. My face just didn't want to co-operate today :( haha. On Thursday, July 5, Nelly.com are holding an event at Newz Bar in Liverpool. It starts at 10PM (over 18s only, sorryyy!) and the first 100 people through the door will be treated to a goodie bag, filled with treats from their sponsors womens blazers. Furthermore, the first 150 guests to arrive will get a free pair of shoes, courtesy of Nelly.com! Anybody can turn up to the event, but I have kindly been allowed five VIP passes to offer to my readers, which will grant you and a friend priority access to the party, meaning that you can get in before everybody else and claim your free shoes! To enter my giveaway, all you have to do is head over to my Facebook page and like it, and also like my post about this event :) I will select the five winners at random on Monday, July 2. It sounds like a great event so make sure you enter! If you are not in or near Liverpool, Nelly.com are holding these events in twelve different cities up and down the country, so check here to see if there will be one near you! You can also RSVP on that page to increase your chances of getting a VIP pass! I do like to try and be healthy, although I will be the first to raise my hand and say I am partial to some pizza and chocolate cake probably a little too often. I love eating fruit and veg, but I know how difficult it is sometimes to incorporate five portions in to your meals. Today I decided to dust off the blender that has been hiding away in the corner of my kitchen for the past couple of years and start making smoothies again, as they are a really good way of getting your recommended daily allowance of fruit and veg- a smoothie can count as up to two of your five-a-day. Now, fruit smoothies are pretty versatile, you can just throw in any combination of your favourite fruits and you're good to go! But recently, I was doing a little research in to some good recipes, and came across some that contained an ingredient that I never thought I would put in to a smoothie... Spinach.I have always loved spinach with my meals, ever since I was little and was convinced that eating lots of spinach would allow me to have superhuman strength, like Popeye. Including spinach in a blended fruit drink sounds bizarre though women outwear! However, I can assure you that it isn't as bad as it sounds. Lots of people include spinach in their smoothies as it is a superfood (meaning it is very good for you), but doesn't have a strong taste, therefore the spinach is masked by all the other ingredients but you are still getting all the health benefits from it. Just a handful of the health benefits from spinach are: Vitamin K to help strengthen bones Contains anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene and kaempferol, which fight heart disease, cancers and eye conditions such as cataracts Improves brain function and protects against aging Now I know my smoothie isn't exactly a green smoothie, I'm not brave enough yet to put enough vegetables in it to make it turn green. To be honest, a green smoothie probably looks more appetising than the pukey colour that mine turned (do you like my strawberry and raspberry garnishing and brightly coloured straws as an attempt to make it look a bit better?), but I promise you it tastes a lot better than it looks, it is essentially a strawberry and banana smoothie with a handful of spinach thrown in (just throw a few more berries in there to make it turn red haha!). Here is what I used:


VF's Closet: Layers

There's not many opportunities in Miami where I get to pack on the layers, but yesterday was one of them. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and chilly. I layered this chambray shirt with a yellow sweater along with these brown pants--something I can totally see myself wearing to the office. I went to the mall this weekend with the family (I took my newborn son for his first trip to the mall! I can't believe he already turned one month old!!) and I saw this similar outfit on a J.Crew mannequin. I always fall in love with their window displays---sigh women outwear. The award show Premio Lo Nuestro is only a few days away and one hair trend I'm predicting will be a big hit on the red carpet is the messy up-do. This style is a favorite among celebs including Jennifer Lopez and it’s personally one of my favorites as well. As a first-time mom I practically live in it. Not only is it easy to achieve, since it's not as structured as other up-do's, but it allows me to look classy and elegant for a red carpet affair, no matter how many activities I have to juggle at once. Here are some quick steps on how you can achieve the messy up-do. Use L’Oréal Paris Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5 shampoo and conditioner to cleanse and nurture your hair Apply L’Oréal Paris Total Repair 5 Multi Restorative Dry Oil to revitalize the hair from root to tip To add texture to the hair, apply a dime size amount of L’Oréal Paris EverStyle Texture Series Tousle Crème. This will create the appearance of a more sexy undone bed head look for your up-do Secure a loose ponytail at the nape of your neck making sure not to make the ponytail appear too structured or tight Use bobby pins to secure loose ends creating a messy up-do Finish the look by spraying L’Oréal Paris Elnett Hairspray 12 inches away from the head blazers for women No look is complete without gorgeous nails. Try L’Oréal Paris Nail Lingerie to add customized 3D nail effects to complete your look. These are great for new moms as they also help to elongate the length of your manicure in addition to adding a touch of glam to your fingertips.


Red, White and [Royal] Blue Jeans

The summer heat may be turned way up, but that’s no excuse for letting your style turn down. Colored denim came in with a roar this Spring, and now that we’ve had a few months to warm up to the idea it’s time to give it a bold go denim vests. In-Jean-Ius Boutique in Boston’s North End is the spot for colored denim. They carry colored varieties from J.Brand and Citizens of Humanity (pictured) in a variety of cuts and fits. Knock two trends out at once and colorblock your bright bottoms with a solid top. Pop on a pair with nude heels, flip down your shades, take your little buddy for a walk and be prepared to stop traffic. I was at F.L. Woods in downtown Marblehead the other day, browsing for my millionth pair of Jack Roger’s Navajos when I stumbled on these: the Jack Roger’s “Georgica” sandals here. What a refreshing twist on the classic, right?! I usually avoid studs like the plague (seriously, do not like), but I actually am into these. They anchor the extreme prep factor nicely. On JackRogersUSA.com they retail for $148, but for some reason I remember them being priced less at F.L. Woods (I’ll have to get back to you). Either way, the Georgica’s are a great way to break out of the Navajo rut.


These days are drifting away.

Evening all, hope you are all well! University starts up again next week, which means constantly being on the go and squeezing in time to write on my blog. Oh how I will miss getting up when I want and feeling like i'm on holiday. Also looking forward to getting back into a routine fashion blazers. Lets hope this year is a good one!! Today my outfit is quite plain (again, oops) as I didn't actually go out anywhere that worth while. So I treated one of my old dresses with some love and decided to wear it. The sun was shining so probably one of the last days I can freely wear nothing on my legs!! Are any of you looking forward to winder fashion and if so what things have you done so far to prepare for it? Today has been yet another hazy one, my friend Kirsti came over for a study day and we did the usual thing of ranting (mainly I was doing the talking) and having a good old gossip. It was a nice afternoon and I did actually get an illustration i'm my sketch book finished which is an experiment with my theme Nostalgia. My outfit today is simple, so sorry if it seems like I am being lazy! I really am trying still but I am trying to wear my old dresses and things I haven't for a while to bring new life to them sweatshirts for women . With this floral H&M dress I have had for a couple of years now, I decided to try out with my cardie I brought recently at a charity shop. I loved how the blue brought out the pale blue in the floral print. I thought I would wear my little pink bird necklace as well as it was a birthday present from Kirsti. Hope you like it.


Handbags are a girls best friend.

What more can any fashion follower or girly girl want in her life than a great bag!! Okay, so maybe that might be a little shallow but considering all the stuff I have to deal with when it comes to my health outwear, sometimes a nice bag is all it takes to cheer me up! I like a whole assortment of styles, mainly satchels and vintage looking bags. I do like the odd statement bag as well though. So when Bagable asked me to feature something I was completely daunted by the idea of choosing!! In the end the colour won my heart and I went for this amazingly cute Kipling bag in lilac. I wanted to style is relatively quickly with these photos, as this is what I wore the first day I wore the bag. The floral skirt has lilac details in and the top is my go to in the hot weather!! What is great with this lilac beauty is I could wear any of my girly outfits that are more casual, perhaps a little dull and then this bag will make it more stylish. I have been using the handbags for about a week now and I love it. The pockets are so practical yet look good, perfect for my lippy and chewing gum! Inside is what you can expect, very roomy but perfect size for your essentials. All in all, fair to say this bag is a keeper and something I will cherish!! AND to top is off, what i love about Kipling is the adorable monkey key chain that can suck his thumb!! I mean come on, how much fun can you have with one bag.. lots apparently.


Garden Rose

park is less than ideal, and the stares are plentiful when you're trying to get your ~mawdul poses on, but I guess that's to be expected when you're being a bit self-interested and you have pink hair ;) I didn't really like this outfit while I was wearing it here, but looking at the photos (these are from Monday), I really kind of dig it. I snagged this dress at the Bettie Page boutique on Haight St. in San Francisco back in June. Melissa, Tieka and I perused Haight-Ashbury for a bit after our long day at the Adobe headquarters and I knew I had to have this dress when I saw it. I didn't even try it on, I just hoped for the best. Luckily it's perfect. I toned down the "whoa!" with a neutral grey cardi (I own so many grey cardigans!) and kept the hair simple with just a braided "headband". I picked up this little clutch on mega clearance at TJ Maxx a couple of weeks ago and it was the perfect match for this dress and my MIA wedges. I topped it all off with a beautiful handmade necklace from the darling Sarah of Copperhead Creations. The little flowers are so dainty and sweet when juxtaposed with the hard lines of the foundation. Listen to me, I sound like someone who knows what she's talking about. (Just kidding). Her shop has so many pretty things though. Definitely worth a gander! While it's a bit hard to see, I feel it's worth it to talk about the lip color I'm wearing in these photos, too. It's some cheap less-than-$3 lipcolor from Forever 21 in a really really bright pink. I loved the look of it so I picked it up and finally wore it yesterday. I really expected it to be super opaque and bright, but it was almost like a tinted moisturizing stick. It definitely had some pigment cardigan sweaters, but it was very subtle and it was so incredibly nice. I was honestly throughly surprised. I definitely don't knock cheap/drugstore makeup as I have my favorites for sure, but I kind of love this stuff. It didn't have a color name on it but just get the really really really bright pink one! Yesterday we headed down to Columbia to take care of a few things like preparing for upcoming events (vague!), get some of Mike's dress pants hemmed and some of my dresses fixed, as well as getting my wedding dress altered a bit (!!!). I've been putting it on and prancing around the house just for the fun of it and I'm getting so excited. Mike picked out my wedding shoes and I'm trying to figure out what cardigan to wear. It's like 38 days away and we don't have a caterer, DJ, justice of the peace, decorations or hay bales. We're just winging it at this point. Am I crazy? I think I'm crazy. I did finally order our wedding rings last night though.


Burgundowa baskinka.

Ostatnie dni były baaaardzo udane. Wyjazd do Wrocławia dodał mi skrzydeł i totalnie zmotywował do działania. Uwielbiam uczestniczyć w inspirujących eventach i spotykać niezwykle ciekawych ludzi. Piękna, wiosenna pogoda także skłania do wprowadzania pozytywnych zmian w życiu. Dlatego też korzystam z każdego dnia tak bardzo jak się da. :) one shoulder dresses come in Możliwe, że nieco ucierpi na tym regularność wpisów no ale cóż... Coś za coś. :) Jeans, panterka i ćwieki. Cały mój tydzień opierał się na natłoku nauki i obowiązków. Nawet dziś z mojego roztargnienia i nieuwagi ustawiłam budzik o godzinę później niż zwykle, myląc piątek z czwartkiem. Zapłatą za te pracowite 7 dni będzie jutrzejszy wyjazd do Wrocławia, a wieczorem impreza. :) Takie odstresowanie bardzo mi się przyda. Już nie mogę się doczekać jutra! :) A Wy jakie macie plany na weekend? Główny element: neon! Neon bardzo dawno podbił moje serce dress see it. Zauroczenie tym kolorem pozostało, dlatego dziś przedstawię jego kolejną odsłonę, bardzo casualową. Neonowy sweter jest na tyle wyraźnym elementem całej stylizacji, że postawiłam na czerń oraz granat. Ach, w końcu czuć wiosenną aurę. Nie wiem jak Wy, ale parę promieni słonecznych sprawia, że czuję się fantastycznie, a humor mnie wręcz nie opuszcza! ;) Mam także motywację do dalszych przeróbek. Gdy skończę wszystkie projekty z pewnością pokażę je na blogu. :)


Shades of Summer

This week has been pretty darn wonderful! The weather has been treating us kindly, and I've been working on some new little projects that I'll be sharing soon (those of you who follow me on Instagram have seen a sneak peek!). I was lucky enough to receive a few lovely goodies in the mail from Sway Chic this week! These floral high-waisted shorts are the cuuuutest little things, if I do say so myself. And this leather necklace is pretty darn perfect lace shorts. I honestly think I could wear floral every single day of my life. It never gets old, in my opinion ;) Well I hope you're all having a beautiful week. The weekend is in sight, my friends! Rainbows in the Dark Happy Tuesday everyone!! Even though it's late at night, and pretty much Wednesday by now. Oh well ;) My day kind of got away from me due to a 3-hour nap. That's what happens when I forget to set an alarm! Sometimes I think that I have an internal alarm. Like if I tell myself "I'll wake up in an hour", my body will automatically follow suit and do what I tell it to. Not so much...I passed out for entirely too long this afternoon! Luckily Tim was out roofing a house, so I wasn't missing out on any husband & wife quality time. I wore this fancy outfit yesterday. The fine folks over at Sugarlips sent me this pretty little dress! I seriously love it. It is SO comfortable and fun black and white dress. I got tons of compliments on it throughout the day....that's a sure sign of a good dress, huh? My Aunt is flying into town from Texas tonight! She'll be in town for the next few days. I haven't seen her in a long time, so I am over the moon with excitement!! I'm sure I'll have some photos to share. Take care and have a beautiful...Wednesday ;)


cruel forest

Привет-привет! Вот и закончились длинные майские праздники. Все потихоньку втягиваются в рабочие будни, даже Почта России начала разгребать завалы из посылок и мне наконец-то пришла чудесная парка с подстежкой от Sheinside, которую я заказывала в феврале (оперативно, однако, хе-хе). В Москве стоит настоящая летняя жара, на солнце +35, но мне не привыкать выходить из сложных ситуаций, и чтобы похвастаться обновкой click here, мы отправились в лес и вот, что у нас получилось! Hey guys! So these long may holidays in Russia are ended now. Everyone slowly drawn into working weekdays, even Russian Post has started sort ream of parcels and I finally received wonderful green hooded coat from Sheinside, which I ordered in February ("thanks" Russian Post). It's real summer heat in Moscow, on sun +35, but I'm used to get out of difficult situations, and to show off new clothes, we went into the woods and that's what we've got!


At Home Spa

taking care of your skin is essential and creating an at home spa is easier than ever. with a snow day enforcing martial law on the city of Denver, my girls and i decided to DIY our own spa to wear beautiful a line dress. we gathered our supplies of cucumber eye masks, LUSH Cosmetics face mask (which is great for kids because it is all natural and non-toxic), some great Eucerin lotions to finish the job and last but not least, healthy snacks & drinks. sunscreen is important on ANY day, not just summer days keeping your body hydrated is essential in helping your skin look younger and healthier. water helps to remove toxins in your system as well as helps your body to retain important nutrients. vitamin-loaded fruits and vegetables are also an excellent way to make H20 intake is complete http://www.oasap.com/88-little-black-dress! my two little ones, Chloe & Olive, had a blast playing with the masks and the lotions but the best part was definitely the refreshments. having seen the recipe for infused water and veggie bowls on Pinterest i decided to give them a shot.


Shoppinglist Debenhams

Der Parka Trend hält sich nun schon länger als zwei Jahre und ich mag meinen khaki Zara Parka auch nach wie vor noch wirklich gern. Für den Winter ist dieser allerdings eher ungeeignet und so langsam mag ich mir noch nen zweiten kaufen lace shorts. So kann ich mein allerliebstes Lieblingsstück einwenig mehr zu schonen. Ein Glück, dass bei Debenhams das Weihnachts-Shopping angefangen hat und sich so einiges im Sale wiederfindet. Da kann mein Geldbeutel vor Weihnachten noch einmal aufatmen oder auch nicht. Denn ich kann mich nicht entscheiden ob ich bei khaki bleibe, mich an dunkelblau versuche oder doch eher zu weinrot tendiere. Eigentlich gefallen mir beide Kombinationen. Mit Lederdetails liege ich derzeit ebenso im Trend http://www.oasap.com/25-shoulder-bags, wie mit Wachs beschichteten Kleidungsstücken. Ich erinnere euch an meine beschichtete Zara Hose, die ich nicht mehr hergeben mag. Bei den Preisen muss man doch zuschlagen.Was denkt ihr denn?


Rihanna's London fashion week show is a demonstration in swagger

Here's a thing that young women do, on a Saturday night, when they've had a few drinks. A rap song comes on with rude lyrics, and emboldened by a Saturday night fever which is as ancient as they are young, they sing along, gleefully emphasising all the swearwords, miming rap-swagger with extra lip gloss. It's a wild-side thing, a flirting-with-danger thing. At Rihanna's London fashion week catwalk show on Saturday night, soundtracked by a track by A$AP Rocky which I shall leave unspecified since neither the title nor any of the first 10 lines are printable cheap lace dress, the young British supermodels-of-the-hour Cara Delevingne and Jourdan Dunn were doing it in the front row – and when the show finished, they stood up, holding hands, and danced backstage, rap-miming every step of the way. We'll come to the clothes on the catwalk – part of a 120 piece Rihanna collection which goes on sale in River Island in two weeks' time – later. Let's be honest: the clothes were never going to be the main event here. The intrigue and controversy that surrounds Rihanna these days is such that even when she releases an album, or wins an award, the music isn't the main event. Whether she's selling music or perfume or hotpants it is her body, her lifestyle – and more than anything her relationship with Chris Brown, with all the attitudes and issues that raises – which are the story. The spirit of mouthy, dare-you swagger that pulsed through the speakers and infiltrated the Frow on Saturday night will be what sells these clothes. If you are 18, 20, 22 years old, then Rihanna represents your darker, badder side. (That she herself seems sometimes to be at the mercy of her own dark side complicates the whole thing further.) http://www.oasap.com/tag/stilettos The staging of the event – in a bleak warehouse, nonsensically late, ludicrously crowded – bore all the hallmarks of the treat-them-mean, keep-em-keen school of public relations with which Rihanna's people seem to be well versed (see: the Rihanna jet). There was, however, plenty of champagne and vodka. Sobriety is not what this brand stands for. The clothes? They are bright, and tight, and aggressively sexual. They require abs of steel and are mostly incompatible with the wearing of bras. Their target audience is young, and would interpret brazen as a compliment. Unlike collaborations in which fashion designers bring a new visual language into a store – Martin Margiela for H&M, say – the Rihanna for River Island range is very recognisably River Island. What the Rihanna label brings is not extra fashion content, but personality and attitude.


Old pics: let's have dinner!

Like I said on the previous post, I really want to share some of my favorite outfits. I've been dying to wear this again, I think it looks super feminine and cute!  I felt in love when I saw these shoes on my showroom in shoedazzle. If you are not a member yet cute little black dress, here's an invitation to become a Shoedazzle member. I found this bag at a thrift store called "Douglas Thrift Store" at North Miami Beach- it's vintage but it's in perfect condition. I remember that day we had dinner with a couple of friends at my house, we cooked sushi- well.. the guys cooked it while we gossiped .

Como les dije en el post anterior, quiero compartir con ustedes algunos outfits "viejos"- sobre todo mis favoritos. He querido ponerme esto otra vez, me encanta que se ve super femenino. Los zapatos son de Shoedazzle, me enamoré apenas los vi- aparte son super cómodos. Si quieren unirse a este servicio, aquí está mi invitación para ser miembro. Sobre mi cartera: la conseguí en un sitio vintage y de cosas usadas en el norte de Miami Beach. Me acuerdo que ese día hicimos una reunión en mi casa- cocinamos sushi... bueno, los hombres cocinaron mientras las mujeres chismeabamos un ratito!.


Stupid Crazy love...kinda

Remember I told I spent Sunday at JC Penney? This is what I got... colorful jeans! I was so excited because they were only $16 (originally $40)- I decided to take them in royal blue too (and I wore them the day after, so you'll see them soon). My day started at 6am to go to class at 8am, I wore a similar version of this outfit (sandals instead of wedges and a casual necklace). Later at night, we headed to the movies because I won some tickets to saw a private screening of Crazy Stupid Love- however, we got there a little late and the theater was full lace dress shop. We decided to stay at the mall but the heat made it impossible- I felt like I was going to melt because of the jeans. I know I have complained of the heat several times- but I'm serious.. this is not normal (90F degrees at 8pm!!). Thanks for your sweet comments!! I really appreciate it! _______________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ ¿Se acuerdan que les conté que pasé el domingo en JC Penney? Esto fue lo que encontré JEANS DE COLORES- estaban a solo $16 (originalmente $40) así que agarré estos y unos en azul rey (parte del outfit de mañana) www.oasap.com/25-shoulder-bags. Utilicé una versión similar a este outfit en la mañana (pero con sandalias en vez de tacones y un collar más de día)- luego en la noche nos adventuramos al cine ya que me gané unas entradas para ver Crazy Stupid Love- pero... había muchísimo tráfico y cuando llegamos la sala de cine estaba completamente llena. Teníamos ganas de quedarnos en el centro comercial un ratito pero el calor no era normal- diran que me la paso diciendo eso pero estar en jeas en un mall al aire libre era IMPOSIBLE. Terminamos cenando y viendo una película en la casa.


The unnamed feeling

I wasn't sure if I should publish this look for 2 reasons- first, it was extremely dark outside and the pictures didn't come out as I wanted to; second, I feel like you must be tired of seeing me wearing button ups +necklaces ( I just wanted to make it look a little more formal) lace dress http://www.oasap.com/tag/lace-dress. I wore this outfit to have dinner with my bf a couple of days ago but you can also wear something like this to work/corporate party/school presentation (just make sure the skirt is a little longer!). I'm  sorry for the lack of pics! :) It's almost FRIDAY.. have a great weekend! XOXO


No estaba segura si publicar este look por dos razones- la primera es que el 98% de las fotos salieron extremadamente oscuras, la segunda es que no las quiero aburrir. He estado utilizando las camisas abotonadas hasta el cuello varias veces short high-low dresses, pero estaba súper antojada de usarlo en un look más "formal" con una falda negra. Este outfit lo usé para ir a cenar con mi novio hace unos días- lo bueno es que si usas una falda un poquito más larga, puedes usarlo para la oficina/fiesta corporativa/presentación en la uní/etc. Disculpen que sean tan pocas fotitos! Ya casi es VIERNES.. feliz fin de semana!!


Chictopia's 12 days of chic!

More exciting news- I'm so grateful with Chictopia because they have considered me for a couple of projects lately! Chictopia is not only about sharing your every day looks and getting rewarded for it- now you can also SHOP! The best part about it is that you find unique and vintage pieces from sellers all over! To celebrate the holidays, Chictopia introduced "12 days of Chic"- starting today (Nov 28th), sellers will sell items that fit a specific theme (there's a new theme every day!). Algunas de las tiendas participando son: American Apparel, Need Supply, Pixie Market, Storets, and Shop Akira stilettos here. I got a couple of pieces from the Chictopia store last week and I can't wait for them to arrive!


Más noticias!! Estoy muy agradecida con Chictopia porque últimamente me han considerado para un par de proyectos! Esta vez les cuento que Chictopia no es solo un sitio donde compartes tus looks y recibes puntos que luego puedes intercambiar por ropa red dress; sino que también acaban puedes comprar. Lo que más me gusta de esta tienda es que vez cositas súper originales y vintage que son difíciles de encontrar online .  Para celebrar estas Navidades, Chictopia empezó "12 días de CHIC"- por 12 días empezando el 28 de noviembre, van a estar vendiendo piezas de cierto tema en específico (por ejemplo: solo vintage,  solo carteras, zapatos, etc) Algunas de las tiendas participando son: American Apparel, Need Supply, Pixie Market, Storets, y Shop Akira. La semana pasada pedí un par de cositas y ya quiero que me lleguen para mostrarselas por aquí!


Day to night!

I'm sure you remember the look on the right, I just wore it last week to have dinner with my parents while they were in Miami (check it out HERE: "Wear it backwards")... but what you didn't know is that the look was a little different a couple of hours earlier (more casual and more comfortable). I just switched the white shorts for a tight skirt and the wedges for umps cute womens lace dress. At first I didn't want to publish the 1st look because they look so similar- and the one with the detail in the front is much cuter! However, I thought it was a cool idea to show you that you don't need to completely change to go out at night.. just switch a couple of pieces! I hope you liked it! XOXO


Estoy segura que reconoces el look de la derecha (ya que lo vieron AQUI: "Wear it backwards")- y como les dije, era el outfit perfecto para ir a salir con mi familia a comer. Pero hubo un look un poquito diferente unas horas antes; más casual, más cómodo y con la camisa como va originalmente (con el detalle en la espalda). Como pueden ver el outfit es básicamente el mismo, solo que tiene unas plataformas en vez de tacones y unos shorts. También pudiera haber una tercera variación, con unos jeans blancos y unos flats http://www.oasap.com/tag/one-shoulder-dress. Originalmente no lo iba a publicar porque se parecían mucho pero me parece que es una idea chevere, no tener que cambiarnos totalmente en la noche- en vez, cambiemos una que otra pieza para adaptarlo a la ocasión. ¿Qué opinas?  Un abrazo!


Polka dotted !

Hi everyone! How are you!? This looks kind of reminds me to my friend and blogger Steffy (de Steffy Pros and Cons)- if you follow her blog, you know her cute vintage style includes lots of polka dots, button ups, and bows. I really like following blogs that are not necessarily my style because they inspire me to try different combos while giving the look my own twist and style www.oasap.com/tag/stilettos. This week has not been my week- my car broke down while taking my computer to apple (the hard-drive failed- I still don't know if I lost everything that was in it!); so for a couple of days I had no car... and no computer! (quick reminder: back up all your files...often!!). I'm almost on finals week at the university, so I have been working on projects non-stop- I'm specially proud of a "college magazine" I'm doing for my magazines class. Have an amazing Friday! Once again... thanks! I know I say it a lot but I'm really thankful for all your support with the blog! XOXO ____________________ Hola! ¿Cómo están? Este look me recuerda un poco a mi amiga y bloguera Steffy (de Steffy Pros and Cons)- si siguen su blog saben que su estilo vintage incluye muchos lunares, camisas abotonadas, y lazos; las invito a que vean su blog también LBD summer fashion! Me gusta seguir a bastantes blog que no son totalmente mi estilo porque me dan inspiración a tratar diferentes tendencias pero dándole mi toque personal. Esta semana no ha sido mi semana; tuve que dejar el carro en el taller ya que me falló mientras llevaba a mi computadora a arreglar (le falló el disco duro, y todavía no se si perdí toda la información!). Así que les recuerdo, guarden todo en una memoria aparte para que no les pase nada así! Estoy en las últimas semanas del semestre en la uní y no he parado con los millones de proyectos- estoy especialmente orgullosa de mi "revista" en la clase de Fashion Magazines. FELIZ VIERNES! Se que siempre les doy las gracias..pero es que de verdad les agradezco mucho que visiten mi blog!

Floral and sheer!

This is outfit is actually from last week- I forgot to post it with the whole disaster with my computer; right now it's on Best Buy, they are trying to recover all my info... and then I have to get the hard-drive fixed in apple (what a mission!) sexy fashion little black dress. I don't even remember what we did that day, I guess it was for our weekly "romantic date". I built this look around the floral blouse with sheer sleeves from LOVE- I added a basic black skirt (which I wear all the time, check out the REMIX here), black wedges, and a pop of color with a pink bag! I hope you are having an amazing weekend! XOXO _______________________ Este outfit es de la semana pasada, no lo había puesto nada por todo lo del desastre de mi computadora. He tenido que usar la de Gabo y menos mal que no las había borrado de la cámara. Ya ni me acuerdo que hicimos ese día http://www.oasap.com/25-shoulder-bags, se que fue el fin de semana y probablemente fue a nuestra "típica cita semanal" de ir a comer . El look es bastante sencillo, definitivamente el protagonista es esta blusa de LOVE- con estampado floral en el medio, y las mangas son bastante transparentes. Mantuve el look simple con una falda negra extremadamente versátil (REMIX aquí), unas plataformas negras, y un poco de color en la cartera. Si quieren ver como hacer estas ondas con plancha, haz click aquí. FELIZ DOMINGO! Un abrazo inmenso!


Three little birds

I'm back to my super simple outfits- I wore this last week to go to the university. I started with a fun dress with a bird motif and a peter pan collar- I had a cardigan in my bag because some classrooms are FREEZING! I know I'm wearing black wedges, but the look is exactly the same with some flats or sandals. I just don't mind wearing heels to school since it's not a huge campus and the amount of walking is almost non-existing (just to and from the car). I like taking big bags to class where I can fit my computer and my agenda shop shoulder bags on sale- also, I try to wear as little jewelry as possible (after so many hours in class, I end up taking them off and then I can't find them). Oh and I know I've been wearing my hair different- I'm having a "curling iron rehab" because of the humidity- and I'm just using a flat iron to straighten it and do little curls at the end. Hope you like this look! Thank you so much for your amazing comments! YOU ROCK! ________ Mis looks más sencillitos regresaron- usé esta combinación para ir a la universidad la semana pasada flower a line dress. Empecé con un vestidito con estampado de pajaros y collar redondo (a la' Peter Pan)- algunos salones de mi universidad son HELADOS, así que siempre me llevo un suéter en la cartera. Se que estoy usando plataformas, pero el look es exactamente el mismo con unas sandalias bajitas o bailarinas negras. Generalmente no me importa usar tacones a la universidad ya que la misma es chiquita y no camino absolutemente nada (solo del/hacia el carro). Luego agregué una cartera tipo mensajero color azul marino (color que tienen los pajaritos en las alas), me gusta llevar carteras grandes de manera que me pueda meter la computadora y mi agenda- también intento no usar casi accesorios, después de pasar tantas horas en la universidad me molestan, me los quito y luego no los encuentro! Por cierto, como han podido ver... han un pequeño cambio de look en el cabello- le estoy dando un descanso a mi rizadora (la cual parece no funcionar muy bien con tanta humedad) y he estado utilizando una plancha regular para alisarlo y luego hacer onditas en las puntas. ¡¡Gracias por sus comentarios! ¡¡Son l@s mejores!!


We challenge you to wear...SOMETHING BAROQUE!

What's "I challenge you to..."? It's bi-weekly special where we (Flor de Maria Fashion, Ashes into Fashion and I) challenge our readers and bloggers around the globe to wear specific trends or themes- and we would love if you could join us. Every other Sunday, we'll publish the challenge, so time to plan your outfit and wear it. Then, that following Sunday: we'll show you how we wore the trend/theme and you'll be able to share your link & outfit with everyone. This time we challenge you to... WEAR BAROQUE- trend seen in runways like Dolce&Gabbana, Lanvin and Balmain. This trend, based on the artistic style that started in 1600, is full of metallic colors and embellished fabrics- there's also a lot of velvet. The color palette is very dark; black, burgundy, forest green, navy blue..and of course, GOLD! prom lace dress ARE YOU READY!? _________________________________________ ¿Qué es " Te reto a...." ?"Te reto a..." es una sección especial en la cual nosotras ( Flor de Maria Fashion, Ashley y yo) retamos a todas las bloggers y lectoras a usar ciertas tendencias/ temas- y nos encantaría que nos acompañaran LBD fashion online. Cada 15 días (específicamente los lunes) publicaremos el reto, de manera que tengan dos semanas para planificar y usar su outfit. Luego el domingo siguiente nosotras compartiremos como lo usamos nosotras y pondremos un espacio para que ustedes dejen el link de sus artículos/fotos. Esta vez te retamos a usar la tendencia barroca - vista en pasarelas como Dolce&Gabbana, Lanvin, Balmain y muchos más. Esta tendencia basada en el período artístico con el mismo nombre, esta llena de colores metálicos y telas con muchos detalles y embellecimientos- también vemos telas como el terciopelo. La paleta de colores es oscura: negro, vino, verde oscuro, azul oscuro.. y por supuesto mucho dorado.


Lookbook.nu dinner party!

On Saturday, Lookbook.nu organized a dinner for all the lookbookers in NYC for Fashion Week. I had so much fun- it was great seeing all those people you have followed on Lookbook for so long. As usual, I was the first one there.. I'm not complaining, I actually like being the first one everywhere (so I had the change to spend time with the Lookbook.nu team: Yuri and Huan). It was not only great meeting amazing bloggers but also getting to see others again, like Camilla from Glamgerous ( I met her in NYC last summer) stiletto shoes. Also, I loved seeing my Miami girls, Steffy, Erika and Ria, in a different environment. After having dinner, we headed to a BCBG after party at a rooftop (gorgeous view!!). There, I saw Chiara from The Blonde Salad, and I finally met Sydne Summer- whom I admire so much! I hope you feel like you were there with me by looking at the pics! XOXO _________ El sábado, Lookbook.nu organizó una cena para todos los lookbookers que estuviese en Nueva York por la Semana de la Moda lace dress from oasap.com/tag/lace-dress. Yo la pasé genial- y fue muy interesante ver en persona a gente que sientes que ya conoces de tanto ver en internet. Como a todos lados, llegué de primera-no se porque soy de las que prefiere estar ahí temprano e ir saludando a todo el mundo mientras llega...que llegar a una fiesta y estar como perdida- loqueras mías. Pero así tuve la oportunidad de compartir un poquito más con el grupo de Lookbook, Yuri y Huan. No solo me encantó conocer a bloggers que sigo y; sino también reencontrarme con Camilla de Glamgerous, que no la veía desde un evento en NYC en agosto. Y por supuesto...fue lo máximo ver a las blogueras de Miami, Steffy, Ria y Erika, en un ambiente totalmente distinto. Después de comer, recibir camisas con HYPE, y disfrutar con los bloggers, nos fuimos a la fiesta de BCBG- ahí vi a Chiara (The Blonde Salad) de lejitos.. y conocí a Sydne Summer, a quién admiro muchísimo desde hace años. Espero que sientan de alguna forma con las fotitos que estuvieron conmigo ahí! Un abrazo grandísimo!


Summer Must Have - No 4 - The Maxi Dress

It feels like I should be reflecting on 10 years of marriage today but oh no, I'm talking dresses. Happy Anniversary Mr SGS! So bit of colour today as I show you my favourite maxi dresses for this summer. What more do I need to say about the maxi? Perfect for our mixed weather and for those of us shy about showing our legs. Make sure you find one that nips you in where you are at your slimmest and it should be long enough to skim the ground. Now I wrote this before I bought my super versatile Tesco maxi so I'll just add the link in here for those of you who missed that post last week. Here are the rest of my high street favourites.. First up, cheap as chips in 4 colours. You've got to love H&M! H&M Jersey Maxi Dress Boohoo have these gorgeous twist front shop womens lace dress in both black and purple. Only £20! Jess Crossover Front Dress I like the sound of the built in tummy control in this next maxi dress from Next. Definitely going to check it out when I'm in store. [Pin on Pinterest] Next Turquoise Shape-Enhancing Maxi (also available in stone) This floral one from Next also caught my eye - would work so well with a denim jacket: [Pin on Pinterest] Next Floral Print Maxi Loving the Missoni inspired print on this next one from TK Maxx. It's also got a back and shoulders on it so you can wear a bra/vest underneath. Great neutral colours here too. [Pin on Pinterest] Chelsea & Theodore Print maxi dresses Finally, leaving you with a Boden favourite. Love these as the jersey is a gorgeous weight and quality. A tad pricy for some but the plain colours are a good investment. If you like but feel it's outside your price range, check out the sale later in the summer. [Pin on Pinterest] Boden Jersey Maxi Dress A welcome bit of colour for today's summer essential - just one more to go tomorrow!

Summer Must Have - No 5 - The Coloured Cross Body Bag

We're ending on a coloured high with my final summer must have. The Coloured Cross Body leather shoulder bags I have one of these in bright pink and I love digging it out in the summer. It's a fun pop of colour as the fashion peeps would say. And a perfect addition to your white jeans/denim jacket/metallic sandals combination. My favourite from all the trawling of the internet is this cobalt blue bag from Zara . It also comes in kelly green and lime green (neon) [Pin on Pinterest] Zara Messenger Box Bag or how about this more subtle number from River Island in a gorgeous blush pink colour [Pin on Pinterest] River Island Pink Zipped Mini Messenger Great to see Vince Camuto's stock coming into the UK via the Kurt Geiger website. They do amazing boots and up to now, it wasn't possible to order to the UK. This gorgeous cross body is a real treat item but look at the colour and the metallic strap - divine! [Pin on Pinterest] Vince Camuto Judy Cross Body Bag from www.oasap.com/25-shoulder-bags Loving a bit of yellow this summer so this black/yellow bag caught my eye on the Next website: Next Black/Yellow Cross Body Box Bag Indulge me to finish...I've got Mulberry's on the brain right now. A red Alexa - lush! Mulberry Alexa Valentines There's also a purple Mulberry but I'm not going there...it's too tempting! Hope you enjoyed my 5 days of Summer Essentials. While you've been reading them, I've been sunning myself in the South of France with the husband. I'm back tomorrow so will share some holiday pics with you once they are downloaded!


Seventies Knitwear Vintage at KayleighJean

Charity Shopping,thrifting,Vintage.. whatever you call it,I love it.I love visiting little chairty shops,hoping to find some vintage pieces wether it's shop shoulder bags on sale,clothes or jewellery.I'm not going to lie most of the time,it takes alot of finding and many rails and racks of dodgy clothes before you find a vintage gem,but it's definately worth it.I love the style,shape and quality of old clothes,I think there better quality than most of the things you can buy these days,maybe because it was'nt as mass produced? I don't know. Like this Vintage seventies jumper below,modelled again by my little sister for my shop.Such good quality and colour,does'nt even look like it's been worn high heels stiletto...

Unisex Vintage Seventies Knitted Jumper above.More Vintage items avaliable at my shop below..
Thank you for reading my last post,and for your lovely comments,especially as it is'nt many peoples cup of tea; country music.


High line....

When Gabo was visiting me in NYC, we visited a lot of tourist place. We walked to the "High Line"park- which is relatively new...it used to be train tracks from the late 1800s. We had so much fun together...even though it was colder than we expected (gabo ended up borrowing my scarf because you know how guys are- he was to macho men for dressing in layers haha). I don't know why I thought it was going to be a lot warmer in May- apparently, this has been a long "winter". Have a nice day! XOXO

BEGINNING BOUTIQUE pleather leggings (c/o)
FOREVER 21 black top
FOREVER 21 leather sleeves parka.
PUMA wedge sneakers (c/o)
oasap womens shoulder bags (c/o)
ZEROUV sunglasses
oasap high heels stiletto

Mientras Gabo estuvo visitándome en NYC, nos pusimos a hacer las cosas típicas de turistas. Uno de los días fuimos al parque "High Line"- un parque relativamente nuevo en lo que solía ser los rieles de un tren de hace más de 100 años. Ese día estaba haciendo bastante frío...pensé que para estas fechas Nueva York ya iba a estar más calientito. Menos mal que me llevé esta bufanda, se la terminé prestando a Gabo que se estaba congelando (porque ustedes saben como son los hombres que se hacen los machos y no se abrigan lo suficiente). Espero que pasen un feliz día!! XOXO


{For Fashion's Sake} Saturday: black sugar

i 'inst-vented' about the lack of fall in the air on wednesday and then thursday brought us a magnificent rainstorm and a cool breeze. me and mother nature are tight. friday wasn't quite as cool as i might wish for, but it did provide marshmallow clouds and a chance to wear leggings and a little black dress with perfect structural details, so i was willing to accept it.

what i'm really, really craving is little vacation back east. i want to see dark barked trees and bright orange leaves. rows and rows of them. 
 outfit details:
belt// oasap bag
necklaces// stella&dot & nordstroms
leggings// welovecolors
blue suede shoes// seychelles (old)
'a' watch// urban outfittershow is your state looking this fine october? send me pictures of your autumn on instagram (@ashleyanielson) so i can live vicariously through you. please. i need it--i can feel it in my bones.


Eight Sorts of Meals

There are 8 forms of meals we ought to pay interest for our pets.

The initial 1 is apple. Apple consists of vitamin A and vitamin C and fiber, which happens to be good for each human and pet dogs. The apple skin contains cancer-fighting substance, however the apple core contains prussiate which happens to be hurt towards the healthy of your pups.

The second 1 is carrots.A lot of cats are prefer to eat carrots, part of carrots that the puppies consume will turn to vitamin a, which may remove liver heat, improve their eyesight shoulder bags. The nutritional composition of carrots will maximize its potential on the condition where we pick the olive oil to cook it.

The third 1 is duck.The duck is low body fat and low Cholesterol, if your pet dog is simple to get extra fat, you could select the duck as its major food each day.

The fourth 1 is eggs.Eggs contain 8 styles of necessary aminophenol, which can be the supply of nutrition for your pets. You'll find several methods to cook the eggs, but you can easliy maintain its diet at the biggest limit by boiling it.

The 5th 1 is fish.Do all of the cats love to consume fish? Not exactly, however the fish contains Varity of nutrition that the cat required, specially the taurine which can be beneficial to its eyes. While several fish, for example the salmon, include Omega-3, which can make the dog's fur appear a lot more vibrant.

The sixth 1 will be the grape,We could not allow our dog eat the grape or raisins, the toxin it contains can leads to the vomiting and diarrhea, cause kidney to the function fails and even trigger death. So such as, then you've got to to keep your cats away type the grape.

The seventh one will be the jerky lace dress.The beef may be the supply of numerous sorts of nutritional ingredients, and frequently appeared inside the personal diet of the coach. It is exceptionally easy to make the jerky for our pet dogs, place the beef which have been lower in thin piece inside the micro-wave oven, and warmth it when it well accomplished, then right here comes the scrumptious jerky.

The eighth one is the milk.Both the cats additionally, the pet dogs may develop an allergy to milk, and cause the diarrhea. In order to allow your pets ingestion the rich nourishing substances in the milk, we should select the professional pet milk or the pet milk energy, we as well can chose the goat milk for as an alternative.


Feminity & Comfort and Ease Rules in the Type of Home Decor

From four females granted in Venice International Biennial, to kitchen style under trends of women ideas prevailing, connection between woman and also home began to be fair and square. Women have natural relation with home and also furniture, which usually was not simply counterfeit of women figure curly by household and also furniture style. Someone say, the most popular of females and house hinges on the particular mental sensation they provide people usually are the particular same—cordial and stunning, which is actually the particular key of this particular idea. Every women is eager for having a comfy and also passionate boudoir, and model of bedroom and choice of color are in particular essential.

Bedroom immediately exhibiting personal personality LBD, would fill your room with intimate emotions, and also while designing girl would choose accessories which usually can show humane sensation. Thereby, they would particularly cherish articles indicating emotions, from a small buddle of flowers, to curtains, bedsheets, sofa cloth, these soft add-ons on the condition where in option and also arrangement would give them excellent moods. Subsequently any time designers are designing for decorative design for household together with woman as major, they must make full deliberation over these factors. For single white collar, come back to home are part of herself right after a busy day, and relax adequately by a SPA. Usually they prefer exquisite, pleasant color as major hoe in bedroom, such as quaint and elegant fabric, blossoms, etc

Unified match of outstanding rose and also blue-green build charming room, elegant, magnificent, which can make people intoxicated. exchange practiced working garments along with lace one-piece dress, then have a passionate date. Property of Full time mum needs two functions: 1 is actually to make your family comfortable, the actual other to treat guests. Such residence must pick basic, cozy fashion, prerequisite together with elegance, comfort and also pragmatic. Neutral beige, hot chocolate, soft sandy beige and also light olive green, making home look classical. Not only all families yet friends will praise tender and careful hostess. Vibrant colour could be used to design girls' area. There don not need many complicated designs based on her age nonetheless need more decorations within the room.

Bright three-primary colors and naughty soft colours build a lively space, avant-garde, youth, and fascinating. Flower age fits vibrant color, make life much more colourful shoulder bags, call your classmates in house and have a party! Nobody understands when did woman household start, merely like nobody understands any time women started to wear belted dress along with crinoline, and any time changed into casual garments. Who understands why social status of ladies has been elevated, garments have grow to be neutralized? Even the virilism garments were well-liked in age of 1990? Pick the best way to arrange a cozy nest you loved, and also it isn't necessary to have a seat in family meeting any time you grow to be the actual mother-in-law. Nothing is a lot more crucial than flexibility, subsequently to be a free lady, a positive lady, and also take such clearing up, tolerance and also happiness into your home, and to your love.


Affordable Laptop Bags - an economical option for you

People who use their laptops to change from time to time to consider buying a bag that affordable. All laptops of various sizes and shapes, and you can not have the same bag for all your portable cabinets for books and notebooks are now network in various online stores available. During the season, you can also get discounts on bags. Different types of cases now as a hard case, briefcase, handbag, ladies style, handbags, backpacks, travel bags and executive branches comfortably. These bags help protectingyour weather gadgets, shock, scratches and mishaps. Here are some benefits that you would definitely get when you buy Leather Computer Bag available. A. You will find that when laptops available in ballistic nylon one shoulder dresses, this is something that is a very durable material. Case upholstery and cushions inside to help protect your gadget from scratches. Second affordable bags are not heavy, they are extremely easy to transport. Many of them come with long flexible straps that allow you to just get on them. They also have metal clasps, which are important for manufacturers of gadgets. A third of laptop bags are very affordable, and they come with additional features that are sure to captivate your senses. You can search for websites that you can consider the options that suit you best. Fourth, you can make Italian Laptop Bag cheap gifts that customers and clients. If you buy in bulk so that you get your logo engraved on the binders. Fifth If you are looking for branded products, there are many packages at low prices. With more patterns and designs students usually prefer bags that are comfortable and can be easily moved from one class to another. Sixth laptops at low prices for high level professionals prefer the more complex cases available shoulder bags . Cases are available in black, brown and white, and they would, of course, your identity. Seventh difficult cases also come in different prices reasonable, and they are definitely a great choice for those who travel a lot. They often need to keep your laptop hard case trunk bag will definitely help to keep the bag completely and safely. So, follow the tips mentioned above, advice and buying laptop cases and bags at very reasonable prices.


9 Recommendations for Single Ladies Supposed to Become Married Section One

Initially, to realize the connotation of phrase "single" correctly

You have to know that it can be time you selected 1 man and consummated a marriage, do not treat yourself like you might be still a youngster, considering that there is enough of time for you to waste. I consistently advocate that certain phase of our lifestyle is designed by doing this that you do certain issues, you should only enjoy love and romance every time they arrive along little black dress, start a loved ones whenever you think it's time so that you can become married.
Second, don't be so fussy when it involves selecting the correct guy
The older we're, the a lot more restricted our choice will turn out to be. Despite the fact that adore is one factor everybody should really take seriously, there exists no require that you be as well picky, I claim that single ladies should certainly change the way in which we feel, make an attempt to be much more generous towards specific guy's foibles, harmless routines. For instance, a lady friend of mine was possessing a blind date using a man, the very first impression he left on her was literally good, consequently, they had dinner with each other and when this guy completed together with the peanuts, he accidentally experienced his hand stained with oil and with out giving it another believed, he rubbed that hand on his trousers, my pal, arrived at the conclusion as soon as possible that this man was extremely hard. Yet another woman obtained a text message from her blind date, this person was so fired up that he sent her a extremely candy, wooing concept, the only flaw was that, he spelled 1 of the words wrong, this lady stopped contacting him and returning his call because she believed that he was literate. Actually, you will find a bunch of great guys who are waiting to become perfected by females, they've some flaws which can be an inevitability, but there're saving these flaws so that you might have the opportunity right them, isn't it nice and touching shoulder bags?
Third, commence to know each other much better as an alternative to seeking romantic feelings at the first sight
Not each connection starts off with falling in deep love at the first sight; hence, the very first sight is not so important. You are able to start with obtaining to know one another, for example eating collectively once a whilst, watching movie with each other now then and going shopping from time to time, and you may acquire every issue into mind whether or not this man is your sort or not. Of course, the prerequisite condition is that you simply tend not to detest this man.


Two Facets Involving Operating Stress

Strain exists anywhere and also anytime. Any person, whether at what age, may suffer great strain. With the current fast-paced life additionally, the increasing competition, complaints about pressure of exactly life are often heard in the life; the particular work stress has already influenced the psychological wellness and physical wellness.Job strain has both positive and uncomfortable side effects. On 1 hand, the particular job stress does set off inestimable negative impacts to the actual individuals also, the organizations: in European Community, there are for the most part 10 million those who suffer an assortment of illnesses caused by work stress annually. In Norway, the treatment on the actual all types of diseases caused by work pressure accounts 10% of its gross national product (GNP); in Britain, the work stress has led to the loss of 180 billion business days stilettos . Reading a book about the actual job pressure or entering a wet page which gives an introduction of exactly job stress, we may see large number of astounding figures about the great loss caused by job pressure; and also its damages on personal emotion, physiology and behavior. Such diseases as tiredness, depression, headache and insobriety seems to related to the actual work stress; additionally, job pressure may also cause the reduction of exactly job efficiency, absenteeism,two industrial accident, demission, slack job and so forth.Alternatively, the work stress also has optimistic effects. If the particular work is actually insufficient creativity and also challenge, one may possibly feel empty devoid of a goal to chase; in serves cases, even lose confidence. The particular study of social psychology also finds out that the actual person who has got powerful confidence is willing to choose the actual task that he is capable of fulfill yet quite challenge. That will be why college students would prefer to choose foreign enterprise with great strain and also are not willing to work in official. We might even verify that a few persons even add strain by themselves in order to acquire certain goals.If we feel the particular work strain, we may possibly have negative emotional responds. A good number of our energy is distributed on emotion to feel and then control these emotional responds, thus this could influence our rational thinking. Thus any time facing the particular work stress, the 1st step is to adjust the emotions, let yourself come down, adjust your anxious emotion and think over the particular problems calmly. Thus we might notice that any time people are suffering great setbacks or facing job pressure, usually they can refuse others?????????¨¬??o???????¨¬????????¨¬?? comfort.


The Very First Anniversary of the Demise Michael Jackson Comes

On June, the twenty-fifth a year ago, the information shocked the actual planet that Michael Jackson died out of the blue in his home in Los angeles, and all his supporters around the world couldn't believe the fact the legendary figure who had created the actual moonwalk had left them additionally, the globe forever. On the very same day one yr afterwards little black dress, the earth doesn't quit rotating by virtue of the leaving of Michael Jackson, however, the very first anniversary of demise of “King of Pop” is actually still the actual focus around the world, and also around the special occasion, the enthusiasts across the world have expressed their love and also care for Michael Jackson in their own methods.

On the occasion of first anniversary of death Michael Jackson, many activities of memorizing the superstar have been held in many places worldwide. A precious video is revealed simply by Billboard on the web in current days, in which twenty-five superstars tend to be recalling Michael Jackson, additionally, the stars and also singers who appear within the video consist of Jason Derulo, Christina Aguilera, Bun B, Ying Yang Twins additionally, the Jonas Brothers etc. Inside the video, certain of stars and singers share their precious and also remarkable memory about Michael Jackson, saying that they have been greatly encouraged and also backed simply by him and also that they have likewise been considering him as a great example to follow.

Jason Derulo, who is a rapper, expresses the thought that he still cannot accept the fact that Michael Jackson has currently died, which can be likewise the real thought of practically all the fans of Michael Jackson. Also, the Jonas Brothers in addition say in the video that they will often consider Michael Jackson as their idol. Christina Aguilera high-low dresses , who is actually viewed as the evergreen tree in the world of music, shows her idea that all the actual supporters of Michael Jackson have been profoundly drawn simply by his outstanding dancing skills likewise as his great enthusiasm to dance. Bun B, who is a legendary figure within the filed of rap music in the united states, additionally says that he hopes that all the people should really quit saying certain negative words about Michael Jackson, owning currently left the globe permanently. And also actually, now that Michael Jackson has currently died, people really should only remember that he is actually an perfect artist, which may be believed to be a kind of consolation for him.